
Saturday 3 March 2018

What is enzyme and how enzyme work for textile- Textile Farm

               What is enzyme and how enzyme work

What is enzyme?

Enzyme is proteins composed of amino-acid, which are produced by all living organisms. The enzyme is responsible for a number of reaction and biological activities in plants, animals, human, beings, and microorganisms.

For example, the enzyme found in the digestive tract of animals help to break down molecules into their smaller building blocks in order to facilitate their absorption into the body.

The enzyme is essential for all metabolic processes but are not themselves living materials. They are distinguishable from other proteins because of their catalytic activity.

How does enzyme work?

 Enzyme work like all catalysts by interacting with the substrates or reactants to generate an intermediate enzyme-substrate complex that lowers the activation energy for the reaction. This results in dramatic increase in the reaction rate compared to the uncatalyzed reaction.


Unlike chemical catalysts, most enzymes have an active site of specific size and form that will fit only a selective range of substrates for a specific reaction. Like chemical catalysts, enzymes are not consumed in the reaction and do not alter the equilibrium of the reaction and do not alter the equilibrium of the reactions they catalyze.

 Are enzymes safe?

Enzymes have been safely used for thousands of years. One of the earliest examples of the industrial enzyme has also been used in beauty and oral care products, textile, laundry and automatic dish washing detergents, food and animal feed and in the fermentation of cheese, yogurt, and beer.

Oncogene complied diligently with all health and regulatory requirements that apply to our technology. Our products are commercialized only after their safety has been fully established. In our manufacturing plants, we maintain the highest standers of  quality assurance and safety.

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