
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Different Types Of Machen Used In Washing Plant- Textile Farm


                                                    This machines are used for removing the color from garments . Sand is directly hit on the garments surface by air pressure then color is out is from surface. But now a days buyer is not approved this process due to environ mental and health hazardous.


                                         The machine by which we done the hand sand process is called the hand sand machine. Actually it is not machine, it is dummy. This machine contains one balloon, stand and some pneumatic signals. Garments are put on dummy, then tale air pressure and process have done. We have to take proper air pressure, otherwise crease mark will come at the time of hand sanding. 


                             This is the machine which is used for 3d crinkle. This crinkle slightly different from normal crinkle, one is two dimension and another is three dimension. This machine has some pattern which put inside the garments and heating at oven. Before inside pattern we used resin at specific place. In the market dimensional crinkle machine found. Vertical horizontal and etc. In the picture machine the resin sprayed at the specific area of the garments then put into the handle of the machine and making the 3d crinkle as per required, after making 3D crinkle sent to oven for curing for permanent reaction.
This is the machine which is used for 3d crinkle. This crinkle slightly different from normal crinkle, one is two dimension and another is three dimension. This machine has some pattern which put inside the garments and heating at oven. Before inside pattern we used resin at specific place. In the market dimensional crinkle machine found. Vertical horizontal and etc. In the picture machine the resin sprayed at the specific area of the garments then put into the handle of the machine and making the 3d crinkle as per required, after making 3D crinkle sent to oven for curing for permanent reaction.
3d -crinkle


                                                 The machine is used for tacking the garments. After washing this garments will marked where the tag is attached. This machine having the needle and plastic pin. When workers press the paddle of machine then moving by the help pf motor and needle go inside the fabric.
The machine is used for tacking the garments. After washing this garments will marked where the tag is attached. This machine having the needle and plastic pin. When workers press the paddle of machine then moving by the help pf motor and needle go inside the fabric
Plastic staple machine


                                       Laser machine is used for whisker by burning the garments. This process is dine by light emitting system. First time have ti make a design for whisker by using Photoshop  illustrator. Then it will impose on garments after selection the intensity or burn.


                                                      This machine is used for squeezing the garments. First time we apply resin on specific area of garments , then squeeze the garments of that area at high temperature at specific time. This types of crinkle made for crimping after wash. When you need the crimping on the garments at specific area.


                                              This machines are used for destroy the garments. This machine are operated by pneumatic signal or electric signals. One stone is attached with this machine at front. When this stone is moving with high speed that it will with specific area if garments and garments will damage at desire area. 


                                     Pressing machine is uses for pressing the garments by heat and it male permanent palette. In this machine we used steam as heat. First press the garments take steam to produce heat. Then fabric reacts of resin.


                                The paper which is used for scrapping the garments is called abrasive paper. This paper has so many grade. In washing plant we uses some of the grade. Like 220,320,420 and 620. This serial is bases on the power of the paper. If the number is less power is more. If the number is high power is less.
The paper which is used for scrapping the garments is called abrasive paper. This paper has so many grade. In washing plant we uses some of the grade. Like 220,320,420 and 620. This serial is bases on the power of the paper. If the number is less power is more. If the number is high power is less


                              This is the machine in which curing is done. After crinkle dine we put the garments in the oven for a specific time. We maintain temperature at 150c because at this temperature curing reaction is happened. At curing reaction resin is react with cellulose and making bond. This oven may be gas electric or other fuel based. Gas oven is easy to operate. Curing oven is two types . Open door or conveyor belt types  and close door oven.


                                                                  This is the oven by which we can get production continuously. Its another name is conveyor belt oven also. Oven main door will never close as the conveyor belt moving within the door productivity is more then close door oven. You have to set the retention time for this oven then garments moving inside the oven according to your set time. After complete the circle garments should be taken out. But the retention time depends on the stander. This oven price is more.


                         In the close door oven garments are hanged with hanger then put in the oven. After put the garments inside, door closes for certain time at curing temperature. The time and temperature is set previously. After curing complete garments will out within the door. In this oven production. Installation of the close door oven is less than open door oven.


                                     Whisker pattern is one kind of dry process by which we can done whisker. This pattern is made by rubber sheets and art paper or only rubber sheets. After making this pattern put inside the garments then scrap with sand paper.
Whisker pattern is one kind of dry process by which we can done whisker. This pattern is made by rubber sheets and art paper or only rubber sheets. After making this pattern put inside the garments then scrap with sand paper.
Whisker pattern


                                This is the cabin that contain spray gun and rubber dummy. Garments are wear in dummy then spray pp by gun. This cabin has two or three exhaust fan. This fan exhaust the dust or pp smell from cabin. Now the exhaust remove by water flowing. Potassium permanganate solution is hanged with the cabin by bucket. When workers are started to spray then the solution is came from the bucket with the help of the air pressure.
This is the cabin that contain spray gun and rubber dummy. Garments are wear in dummy then spray pp by gun. This cabin has two or three exhaust fan. This fan exhaust the dust or pp smell from cabin. Now the exhaust remove by water flowing. Potassium permanganate solution is hanged with the cabin by bucket. When workers are started to spray then the solution is came from the bucket with the help of the air pressure.
PP Spray Cabin


                                         This machine is used for grinding of garments edges. This has two wheel of more then two. These wheels are moving very high speed by an electric motors.’ The garments edges are contract with the wheels and making slight damages look at edges area.
This machine is used for grinding of garments edges. This has two wheel of more then two. These wheels are moving very high speed by an electric motors.’ The garments edges are contract with the wheels and making slight damages look at edges area
Grinding Machine


                                                                    This is the machine by which we can make three dimensional crinkle easily. This machine has some dummy then bend the garments as per required then make crinkle. Before making 3D that place should be spray resin for curing. After making 3D then the garments put into the machine for per heated then it gone to oven for permanent crinkle.


                              Sometimes the garments coming damage or cut the yarn due to plastic staple pin. When plastic pin applied by using the plastic staple machine needle, it cut down the yarn. To avoid this type of problem we uses hand needle instead of plastic pin.

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