
Monday 12 March 2018

Denim All Dry Process-PP Rubbing-Resin Spray-Heat pressing-Pocket Making-Seam Marking-Pigment Spray- Textile Farm

PP Rubbing 

              Sometime according to development requirements we used pp rubbing process  to get the effect, By this process we get more high –low effect. There is a deference between spray and rubbing. For spray we will not get more high –low on the area but for rubbing, we get it . But this process is difficult to handle.
      Sometime according to development requirements we used pp rubbing process  to get the effect, By this process we get more high –low effect. There is a deference between spray and rubbing. For spray we will not get more high –low on the area but for rubbing, we get it . But this process is difficult to handle.
PP Rubbing

Material Needed for PP Rubbing:

01.  PP Solution.
02.  Phosphoric Acid
03.  Sponge.
04.  Dummy
05.  Hanger for hanging.
06.  Hand gloves for safety.

Resin Spray:

                 Resin Spray, we will do it for making coating on the garments. When we need the garments very smooth and hard then we used this process. This process is done by spraying resin on the full of garments than put into over for curing the garments. After curing we get coating garments.

Equipment’s and materials:

01.  Spray gun.
02.  Resin.
03.  Catalyst.

Heat Pressing:

                  Heat pressing is uses to get permanents pleats of garments. First we spray resin on specific area of garments then pressing by heat press the n we will get permanent pleated.

Equipment’s and materials:

01.  Resin.
02.  White fabric.
03.  Heat press machine
04.  Steam Connection.

Pocket Marking:

                   Pocket mark is done by scrapping to the  seam marking at side seam point. This process we can follow when you wear the garments. It means that you uses this garments so many time and for that reasons we can see pocket lining mark but this is happened by  hand sand.


Step:01    Marking the garments
Step:02     Rub the pocket seam by water paper.
Step:03    Wash.
Step:04      Quality Check.

Seam Marking:

                   Side seam hand sand is done to get the seam marking at side swam point. This effect we found after wash complete a marking is come at side seam and looking nice.


Step: 01      Marking the garments.
Step: 02      Rub the side seam by water paper.
Step: 03      Wash.
Step: 04      Quality Check

Center Crease:

                    Center crease is the dry process which shoes he crease mark at middle side of front and back. This process is dine by putting a putting a pattern inside the garments then making crease by abrasive paper. After wash we can see this special mark.

Material Needed:

01.  Water paper.
02.  Pattern Board.


Step:1       Put the pattern in the garments leg
Step:2        Rub vertically to the pattern.
Step:3     Wash.
Step:4      Quality check.

Pigment Spray:

                   Pigment Spray is the process by which we will get uneven color look at garments surface. First we completed the wash process the we spray the pigment on the garments surface. We male the pigment solution by pigment dye, binder and liquid.
After spray the garments will sent to oven for curing. After oven this color will fix and we get a good look.

Material and Equipment’s:

01.  Spray gun.
02.  Pigment solution.
03.  Oven.
04.  Hand gloves for safety.
05.  Color.


Sept:1      Make the pigment solution.
Step:2      Spray or drop the solution on the garments.
Step:3      Oven for curing.
Step:4      Quality check.      


              Fabric is crimped then ironed to create permanent crease mark. Before ironing we used resin at crimping area. After  ironing it send to oven for curing. After finished curing rub the crimping area by water paper. When we need the crease mark at different point if garments apply this process,

material and Equipment’s:

01.  Water paper.
02.  Resin.
03.  Oven.
04.  Gloves for safety.
05.  White fabric.


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